Limited Partnership Funds (LPF)

With our inspiration and commitment for the government-to-government projects, one of persistent objectives of Heritage Funds LPF, is to help our project owners / employers / holders to amplify their concept understanding, to construct a robust foundation, and to embark on a journey from concept into a viable bankable project.

SFC compliance

Heritage Funds LPF works with the subsidiaries of Chinese policy banks, sovereign funds, co-investors, and Chinese state-owned companies as the Limited Partners for its governmental project portfolio. It is compliant with the Limited Partnership Fund Ordinance (Cap. 637) (“the Ordinance”) in Hong Kong and the SFC type 9 (Asset Management) licensed by Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) for the type 9 license with Lee Kwok Wan with CE Number: AZL662.


Being a Chinese private equity fund manager, we focus on generating high returns for Chinese co-investors and its global co-investors with a unique and outstanding knowledge of the government-to-government project markets and an unrivalled network of leadership contacts and the advisors in dynamic frontier market economies.

fund management team

Our project team, our specialists and consultants bring extensive market investment and industry experience. They are supported by a team of well-qualified associates and experienced senior advisors in Beijing, Singapore, London, Jakarta and Hong Kong as well as a board of advisors comprised of prominent individuals from the fields of investment management, finance, industry, and academy from both developed and frontier economies.

It creates sustainable focused investment platforms that allow Chinese investors and its local partners to both benefit from and contribute to the high growth prospects of these emerging economies.


Our investment philosophy is to work with carefully selected partners and accelerate the value creative process via intensive knowledge and support from a sound framework of rules and policies, extensive due diligence, as well as independent opinions provided by our legal and risk teams before the China money from our co-investors will be injected into Government-to-Government (G-to-G) project portfolio.

These arrangements are designed to ensure rigorous investments in compliance with applicable rules, laws, regulations, policies, and codes. 


The funds allow Heritage group to invest into the countries it operates in. Its success requires our expertise, rigor, candid and networks for our governmental projects.

By making successful government-to-government projects, and delivering sustainable returns to its investors, and the investment portfolio, the funds together with China governmental investment agency operate in. It is our task.

Heritage Funds LPF

The fund has been commenced with the reasonable seeding fund of its equity, and then to be increased step-by-step with the viable projects injected by the Chinese investors as its co-investors. It only focuses on sustainable private equity investments into its project portfolio.

The fund is a joint venture among Chinese investors and Heritage group and its partners. Heritage group partners are positioned as the pre-eminent private equity investment vehicle on behalf of Chinese investors backed by Chinese governmental investment agencies for managing their underlying investment portfolio.

The fund is structured as a diversified fund, capitalizing on the natural advantages. It focuses on cementing its position in:

  • natural resource, i.e. oil / natural gas, resource, and mining (iron ore, coal, bauxite, diamond, gold, cobalt, copper, tin, lead and zinc and other resources),
  • manufacture, logistics and under-performing assets,
  • industrial parks; and
  • infrastructure (i.e. investing in reliable power supply, water resources, roads, and railway systems) in the countries Heritage group operates.

Heritage Funds LPF – Cultural Impact & Philanthropic Fund

Cultural Impact & Philanthropic Fund under Heritage Funds LPF, It is mainly engaged in arts and cultural investments with the aim of bringing the Chinese audience a true experience of world-class fine arts while showcasing the world the tremendous history of Chinese arts and culture. 

We are in a spirit of discovery and modernity that the Heritage group is so naturally committed to the art works. Through its diversity and scope, Heritage group’s collection of art work, built up over time, reflects a multi-faceted view of our shared art through oil paintings. Our art collection bears that transcends with an eye to the future, particularly from the point of view of Chinese oil paintings.

Cultural Impact & Philanthropic Fund has been granted the sole licensee from some Museums overseas to organize the share of experience in China. It embraces the quality of “arts in daily life” and anticipates introducing more well-known artists in the future into China. We are proud to present these artworks as a result of collaboration with international artists.

Under the Cultural Impact & Philanthropic Fund, we donate an increasing share of the capital gains generated from the Barter Trade Contract for Projects (BTCP) into this fund. Also we have a small portion of funds to have been granted voluntarily through our international network of patrons and private collectors. We aim to launch, create and support associative school projects in the mountain villages in western China in its various fields: education, solidarity and fragility, protection of cultural heritage, etc. The objective is to promote the advancement of basic education, providing an opportunity for those students to have their basic educations.

Heritage Funds LPF – Oil & Gas Fund

The fund simply acts as an agent to buy over its Chinese investors’ existing non-performing oil-related loans, distressed assets of its upstream market of the oil and gas project investments and then restructure it via its counterparty’s oil-backed credit lines granted by Chinese investors.

The fund is financed by Chinese investors specially to have been designed for obtaining the drilling contract from the oil block owners to carry out the on-site premium service and expert activities of the oil-gas field exploration development, geologic exploration, well drilling, logging, cementation, and architecture for our partners, who act as the financier for the oil block owners to develop their oil blocks. The drilling area only focuses on the sub-contracting by the truly capable Chinese drilling contractors, which come from the existing drilling crews of Chinese three main oil fields, namely Daqin oil field, Shengli oil field and Xinjiang’s Tarim and Karamay oil fields under CNPC.

The fund usually makes the deposit and then the monthly payment directly in RMB in the inland China to the parent of Chinese oil exploration company based on the percentage of completion of the consignment project done by the Chinese petroleum drilling technical service companies for petroleum engineering, which undertakes the labour sub-contract with drilling crews for exploration of oil-gas fields under the contract with the world renowned petroleum blue-chips in the upstream market.

In return, the fund will receive a committed and guaranteed volume of the crude oil under the bank guaranteed facility from the oil block owners within the time frame agreed.

In short, we do step-by-step and hands-on with focusing on doing the right thing within the measurable risk and the time frame given, instead of making the thing right at a huge cost at the later stage. We provide the Chinese investors with their asset servicing under management, administration, or custody with Heritage group.

Heritage Funds LPF – Pipeline Laying Fund (Registration in progress)

By creating breakthrough ideas for project financing, our fund jointly with its Chinese partners invests in the pipeline design, construction, and operation and commissioning of heritage group’s project with Chinese partners SPI, CPPE and CPECC, i.e. the Study will be conducted through geological studies, geophysical studies and geotechnical studies, which define the final design of the pipeline project on the basis of being the least cost, most technically robust and most viable for the pipeline laying project in order to deliver LNG to the international market for export;

  • The Geophysical and Geotechnical Surveys – Thorough and comprehensive site investigation for design of all project components (pipeline, insulation, pumps, power generator, valves etc.) and construction,
  • The Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) – To determine the details on how the pipeline will be designed constructed and operated. Its deliverables include project construction specifications, basis of design, maps, plan layouts, project execution plan, schedule, cost estimates and project preparation; and
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA).

Heritage group complies with all legal requirements. It is the interest among our investors and our project owners. This crystallises what we have been working on by Heritage Funds LPF. Therefore, rest assured that success of the pipeline laying project financing is assured, we have no doubt about it.