Unique and Holistic Approach to Value-oriented Creation

We have a flexible fund model for bespoke, tailored and custom solutions. It combines focusing at large amounts of project financing level for government-to-government projects with an ability to respond quickly to more opportunities when they arise. We with China DNA root are always digging into deep value. Value drives everything we do as per one set of core tenets.

We use project funding model of Barter Trade for Project (BTP) as forms of collaterals, when the loan model between two governments could not be applied.

We are leveraging the RMB financial infrastructure in Hong Kong as the clearing and settlement centre for RMB, to create the project financing BTP product that provides unrivalled access, transparency and an enhanced experience to our project owners / employers / holders. This is our depth with difference. 

Depth and breadth on the end-to-end solution for value creation by BTP. This is our winning combination on comprehensive nature of our project financing service. Our such solution spans the project financing spectrum and reaches to the project owners / employers / holders in the countries we operate in.

The solution method has been originally worked and materialized since October 2015 in collaboration with Chinese policy banks, Sinosure, Chinese state-owned companies, and recently further refined by Heritage Funds LPF.

By the success stories we have achieved since 2015, we have a deep appreciation for creating value alongside project financing via BTP model.

Heritage Funds LPF

Under the fund structure of Heritage Funds LPF as the General Partner (GP) and one of the Limited Partners (LP), we are one of leading project financing service providers for “one-stop” for Chinese strategic Limited Partners (LP) under the China financing platform for our governmental projects.

The project financing is available with a committed and guaranteed volume of the off-take of crude oil and LNG. It enables us having the project implementation to be done directly and professionally by EPC Chinese state-owned companies.

We work with Chinese state-owned oil companies, Zhenhua Oil Company to exchange the crude oil into a pool of fund for the on-site project implementation of our governmental projects by EPC Chinese state-owned companies. The model is workable and bankable well.


The purpose of Heritage Funds LPF is to invest or co-invest into the government-to-government projects to provide Chinese state-owned companies to do consulting, design, and construction under our governmental project portfolio.

Without running around like a headless chicken, we have a thoughtful approach to work at the structure & WIN-WIN solution by getting Sinosure, EXIM Bank, China Development Bank & structure banks involved.

Of course, the other counterpart of the project owners / employers / holders must be involved in the project financing as well.

It is a combination exercise of value creation and momentum factors of top-down political leadership methodology.

Our professional value-added contribution includes:

  • When the loan availability between two governments might not be applicable to the projects with the project owners / employers / holders, the Barter Trade Contract for Project (BTCP) is recommended under the platform of Heritage Funds LPF.
  • RMB fund raising by Heritage Funds LPF has to be with a Hong Kong based bank for RMB settlement, since Hong Kong is a clearing and settlement centre for RMB.
  • To obtain the approvals from Chinese Government regulatory agencies.
  • To organize or participate in syndicated loan agreement between Heritage Funds LPF as General Partner (GP) whilst the syndication loan group as the Limited Partners (LP), we are able to help the syndication loan group to establish a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV).
  • We work with Chinese related authorities, Sinosure, policy banks, sovereign funds, investors, state-owned companies to draft up the related agreements with the project owners / employers / holders.
  • To arrange the signing ceremony with project owners / employers / holders for the order-intake agreement, import quota approval from Chinese related authority, limited partnership agreement with syndication loan of Chinese financial institutions & investors, and EPC consortium agreement with Chinese state-owned companies.
  • To make use Heritage Funds LPF as the legal platform to assist the SPV in finalizing the order-intake agreement with project owners / employers / holders with the import quota available from Chinese related authorities.
  • To use the order-intake agreement as collaterals.
  • To pledge the order-intake agreement to SPV to China policy banks, China Investment Corporation & other Chinese sovereign investors & private equity investors with the project insurance covered by Sinosure.
  • To arrange the custodial banking account with Bank of China Hong Kong (BOCHK).
  • To work with syndication loan by arranging the release of money from the custodial account at BOCHK to Chinese state-owned companies for the project implementation.
  • To liaise with related Chinese authorities and to work with Chinese state-owned companies for the tender document submission to the project owners / employers / holders.
  • Such project has been vetted, planned, approved, executed and controlled by professionals and experts throughout Chinese governmental agencies, Chinese policy banks, Sinosure, Chinese state-owned companies alongside with Heritage Funds LPF in order to secure its success story.
  • We strictly follow all regulatory compliance and its file administration.
  • Our best ability of having successful project implementation on-time, and within budget by delivering on all of our commitments.

Today’s global political and project financing landscapes are complex. It matters. But with the advice and collaboration of professionals at Heritage Funds LPF together with our Chinese supports on our governmental projects, our project owners / employers / holders can pursue confidently achieving what matters most for the bankable goals for their governmental-to-project by our barter trade methodology.

The above such robust and differentiated top-bottom leadership philosophy demonstrates our deep-rooted expertise in project financing to carry out and execute the government-to-government projects on time within budget with our EPC Chinese partners.